• 19 October 2023

    What’s an SRL?

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    The SRL (société à responsabilité limitée) is a popular business type in Belgium. The most important characteristic of an SRL is the limited liability of shareholders. This means that, in case of bankruptcy, creditors will only be able to make a claim to the company assets – not the personal capital of shareholders. 
  • 06 November 2018

    Taking over a business

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    Give your business a new direction, with a merger or acquisition! By taking over a company or merging with another company, you can make your own business stronger and more profitable - if you do it right. Because a take-over or merger is a sizeable challenge, where you cannot leave anything to chance: administration, finance, personnel, ... 1+1 = 1!
  • 05 November 2018

    Quality audit

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    The Central Businesses Databank (KBO-BCE) centralizes the basic identity details of businesses and provides them to the various relevant authorities. The data contained in the databank has to correspond to the reality, of course. 
  • 14 November 2018

    Supplementary Pension for the Self-employed (VAPZ)

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    Supplementing your statutory pension Concerned that your statutory pension won't be enough to guarantee a comfortable standard of living after your self-employed career? There's a solution! Accrue a supplementary pension (VAPZ) with contributions to your social security insurance fund.
  • 05 November 2018

    Employee travel expenses

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    Compensating for your employees' travel expenses Do your employees make use of public transport to get to and from work? Then you are legally obligated to compensate them for their travel expenses.  
  • 24 October 2023

    Onze digitale tools voor jouw bedrijf

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    Is your organisation ready for digital transformation, a key element in every company's transformation strategy? By connecting the right technologies to people, processes and activities, your company can quickly adapt to changes and respond to opportunities. That way, you can meet the changing needs of your customers and employees. And that's how you drive growth and innovation.
  • 19 October 2023

    What is a general partnership?

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    A general partnership is a legal entity. It’s the least regulated and simplest business type. To set up a general partnership, you don’t need to visit a notary or publish a financial statement, nor do you need a financial plan. As a partner, you are unlimitedly liable in case of company debt, though, which means your private assets aren’t protected. 
  • 06 November 2018

    Business's growth

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    Stimulate and reinforce your business's growth Your business is going like an express train and is expanding fast. Great! Now it's a matter of managing your business's growth optimally and making sure it doesn't come off the rails ... 
  • 05 November 2018

    Dimona Limosa

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  • 06 November 2018

    Do you want to sell your business? Make sure you don't overlook anything!

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    Want to call it a day? Or to take things a bit easier after an illness or accident? Are you dreaming of taking a new direction and setting up a different business? If you decide to sell your business, it boils down to preparing thoroughly: from the administrative, employment legislation and mental viewpoint.