Should I start my own business?

Entreneurship is connected to a lot of bias. In fact, starting your own business is often easier than you think. On this page, you can find answers to the questions we get most often from new entrepreneurs. Answers that’ll help you start with confidence. 

Got a project on your mind? Let's talk about it!

Whether you have a clear plan or just an idea, we're here to answer your questions and support you every step of the way. 

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How can Partena Professional help you?  


An easy and carefree start to your journey as an entrepreneur? At Partena Professional, we have several solutions and tools to help you out: 


Start confidently

Go over all the essentials and lay a strong foundation for your project with our free checklist. 


Bring your idea to life 

Bring your dream to life and work on your business plan with our experts over the course of 3 interactive workshops


Increase your chances of success 

Identify your project’s strengths and weaknesses and test your concept based on our experts’ advice and recommendations. 

Ready to get started?

Want to know where you stand? Our online test will give you the answer in just a few minutes. 

Take te test