
Our tools for accountants

From payroll management and status changes to delivering accounting documents: our digital approach makes your day as an accountant a lot easier. Save time, simplify your daily tasks and support your clients with Partena Professional’s tools and services. 


One-stop shop for entrepreneurs

Start your business in a couple of clicks or change the format of a business in our online one-stop shop for entrepreneurs.  

Manage your social security contributions

Easily manage the social security contributions of your clients who are affiliated with our social security fund.  


Create detailed payroll simulations from your customer portal! 

Affiliate business managers

Affiliate a business manager in a few simple steps from your customer portal! 

Accounting output

Keep track of your payroll administration and get up-to-date payroll entries. 

Digital data transfer

Get quick and easy access to your client data. Thanks to Partena Professional, you can automatically receive invoices and payroll entries from the social secretariat and social security fund via various platforms like Peppol, Biltobox or email. 

Why rely on Partena Professional?

A broad range of solutions for you and your clients
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Save yourself all that work
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Suitable for all companies and industries

Enjoy our partner benefits

Work with Partena Professional and enjoy the many partner benefits.