Extension of flexi-jobs

Author: Jonas Verplanken (Legal Expert)
Read time: 2min
Publication date: 05/01/2023 - 17:29
Latest update: 06/01/2023 - 10:54

The scope of flexi-jobs will be extended from 1 January 2023. A higher flexi-wage is also provided for the healthcare sector.

Extension of the scope

In 2022, flexi-jobs were already possible in the following sectors:

  • JC 118.03 bakeries, patisseries and patisserie teashops
  • JC 119 food retail trade
  • JC 201 independent retailers
  • JC 202 non-manual workers in the retail food trade
  • JC 202.01 medium-sized food companies
  • JC 302 hospitality sector  
  • JC 311 major retail companies
  • JC 312 supermarkets
  • JC 314 hairdressing and beauty care
  • JC 322 temporary agency employment, if the user belongs to one of the sectors listed above (including added sectors as of 1.1.2023)

From 1 January 2023, the following sectors will be added:

  • JC 223 sports sector
  • JC 303.03 operation of cinema halls
  • JC 304 entertainment industry
    • Excluding artistic, artistic-technical or artistic-support professions
  • JC 330 healthcare facilities and services (and analogous activities in the public healthcare sector)
    • Excluding healthcare professions (=scope of the coordinated law of 10 May 2015 on the exercise of healthcare professions)

The NSSO verifies the application of flexi-jobs in the correct sectors and/or professions. However, each employer remains responsible for the proper application of the flexi-job.

It was provided that the government could further expand the scope of flexi-jobs to include a JC for the events sector, if such a JC is established.

Deviating flexi-wage for the healthcare sector (JC 330)

A different flexi-wage is provided for activities in the healthcare sector. This wage amounts to 14.29€ on 1 January 2023. The flexi-holiday pay is 1.10€ per hour (i.e. 15.39€ total). 

In comparison, as of 1 December 2022, the current flexi-wage amounts to at least 10.97€ per hour and flexi holiday pay amounts to 0.84€ per hour (i.e., a total of 11.81€).

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