Personal mobile phone number: employee's right to have it returned at the end of the employment contract

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Author Catherine Mairy  (Legal expert)
Read time 2min
Last updated 29/12/2023 - 10:28

If an employee has given you the right to use their mobile phone number under the terms of their employment contract, from 1 January 2024 they can ask it back when the employment contract ends.

How should the employee proceed?

Employee request

The employee has the right to ask you to return the use of the mobile telephone number that was theirs before they were employed and that they transferred to you at the start of or during the term of their employment.

They must submit their application:

  • in writing (dated and signed);
  • within one month of the date of termination of the employment contract.

Employer's response

If the employee's request is made in the manner described above, you cannot refuse to return the right to use the mobile phone number.

Source: Law of 18 December 2023 aimed at guaranteeing the return of the right to use employees' mobile numbers at the end of their employment contract, M.B. 29.12.2023.

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