Flemish training leave: some changes since 1 September 2023

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Author Catherine Mairy  (Legal Expert)
Read time 2min
Last updated 06/11/2023 - 13:41

In the Flemish Region, certain aspects of the Flemish training leave system (Vlaams opleidingsverlof) have been adjusted to optimise the operational process.

All information is available at Vlaanderen.be.

Here is an overview of the main changes in force since 1 September 2023.

Employment fraction of the month of March

The number of hours of Flemish training leave to which the employee is entitled is proportional to the contractual employment fraction included in the DmfA of the month of March preceding the training year (period from 1 September to 31 August), when this fraction represents at least 50% of full-time employment.

Before 1 September 2023, the number of hours of Flemish training leave had to be proportional to the contractual employment fraction included in the DmfA of the month of September of the training year, if this fraction represented at least 50% of full-time employment.

Additional condition for reimbursement

As an employer, you are reimbursed for the wages and social contributions paid for the hours of absence taken by the employee as part of the Flemish training leave if certain conditions are met.

Since 1 September 2023, an additional condition has been provided that requires that: "the employee agrees to undertake the training as part of the Flemish training leave system."

This new condition will also be taken into account when assessing your application for reimbursement.

Source: Decree of the Flemish Government of 8 September amending the decree of the Flemish Government of 21 December 2018 implementing section 6 - granting of paid educational leave in the context of permanent training of the employees - of chapter IV of the Recovery Act of 22 January 1985 containing social provisions and amending article 4 of the decree of the Flemish Government of 17 May 2013 on career counselling with regard to the optimisation of the operational process, Belgian Official Gazette, 19.10.2023.

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