Flash controls announced in the meat sector (December 2023)

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Author Alexia Buyl  (Legal Expert)
Read time 4min
Last updated 16/11/2023 - 10:13

In December, the social inspection services will carry out flash controls in the meat sector.

These controls may occur throughout the month. As the announced controls are approaching, we give you some tips.

Who is being targeted?

Violators of social regulations and unreported work are the target of this action.

The controls are part of the "2023-2024 action plan of the fight against social fraud" and focus on social dumping and combating unreported work in fraud-sensitive sectors.

How to prepare?

The SIRS/SIOD checklist

The Belgian Service d'information et de recherche sociale/Sociale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst [Information and Social Research Department] has put together a specific checklist for this sector. This list contains the documents that are likely to be requested by the social inspector as well as the questions you can expect. However, this checklist is only indicative in nature and does not prevent the social inspector from requesting any documents they deem necessary for their investigation.

Here is a brief (non-exhaustive) overview of the main documents that we recommend you have at hand in the event of a company audit:

  • the employment regulations (containing all work schedules and proof of registration);
  • data with regard to the time worked and the remunerations of your employees (individual accounts, payslips, lists of work performances, proof of payment, etc.);
  • employment contracts (and, where applicable, annexes);
  • derogation documents or registration system for part-time workers;
  • in case of temporary agency work: the temporary agency work contract between the user and the temporary work agency and the employment contract for temporary agency workers between the temporary work agency and the temporary agency worker;
  • the occupational accident insurance;
  • proof of daily electronic attendance recording;
  • if you employ a foreign employee or appeal to a self-employed foreign national, the inspection service has the right to request any other document it deems necessary for the audit (e.g. work permit and/or occupation permit, Limosa declaration, ...);

The social inspector can also directly ask questions or request information from your employees at their workplace:

  • on their status as an employee (salaried employee, self-employed person, student, temporary agency worker, ...);
  • on their status as a socially insured person (unemployed, unfit for work, integration income, pension, ...);
  • on their wage and working hours;

And can request certain documents to be submitted immediately:

  • employment contract with work schedule and derogation documents (part-time employees);
  • control cards (unemployed employees);
  • permission for part-time resumption of work (incapacitated employees);

In our LegalSmart webshop, you will find several of these standard documents. Legal all-in customers can contact their Legal Officer to obtain certain standard documents.

Legal support

Our Legal Partners are following up on the constantly evolving legislation. In the context of our "Legal Privileged Partners (LPP)" service, our team can examine your social documents and ensure compliance with social legislation.

If you have any questions or need assistance, you can always contact us at legal@partena.be.

As part of this exercise, we can provide you with a report including a risk analysis and offer the required recommendations. So you'll have nothing to worry about in the event of a visit by a social inspector.

Flash control results

On the website of the SIRS/SIOD you can consult the results of the flash controls that have already taken place.

What happens next?

This flash action should not make us forget that social legislation must be observed all year round. Unexpected controls are there to increase awareness, particularly in the electro-technical and construction sector, which is a key target in the fight against social fraud.

Other sectors

In 2024, the following controls have been announced:

January: construction (including electro-technical and metal sector)

March: moving sector 

May: transport

July: security sector

September: green sectors

November: major cities (carwash included)


Source: website SIRS/SIOD.


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