Draft sector agreements for JC 118 and JC 220 (food industry)

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Author Annelies Verplancke  (Legal Expert)
Read time 4min
Last updated 21/09/2023 - 07:59

The social partners of joint committee 118 and joint committee 220 (food industry) have concluded a draft sector agreement for the period 2023-2024. As a reminder, the RD of 13 May 2023 sets the wage standard at 0% for the period 2023 and 2024.

The main thrust of this agreement can be found below. As soon as we have the final agreement, a more detailed analysis will be made available in our sector documentation.

Purchasing power bonus

In the absence of a company collective bargaining agreement by 15 December 2023, a purchasing power bonus of 250€ is provided at the sector level under the following conditions:

  • For companies filing annual accounts with the National Bank of Belgium:

Award of the bonus if profit in 2022 (code 9901) and positive trend in profit (code 9901) in 2022 compared with the average profit (code 9901) over the years 2018-2022.

Possibility of filing an opt-out application with JC 118 before 06/12/2023 for companies that meet the two previous conditions, if the total bonuses payable exceed 15% of profits in 2022.

  • For companies not filing annual accounts with the National Bank of Belgium:

Award of the bonus, unless the company files an opt-out application with JC 118 before 06/12/2023, with proof from the accountant that:

1. Either there was no profit in 2022

2. Either there was no positive trend in profit in 2022 compared to the average profit over the years 2018-2022

3. Or the bonus payment is more than 15% of the profit in 2022.

Bonuses and allowances

Indexation of bonuses and benefits on 1/10/2023, then on 1/1/2024 and then annual indexation on 1 January.

Shift bonuses

In the bakery industry, the shift bonus (currently 0.11€) will increase:

  • to 0.22€ on 1/10/2023
  • to 0.33€ on 1/10/2024


As of 01/02/2024:

  • the employer intervention for public and private transport will be 80% of the price of a season ticket;
  • the bicycle allowance will be increased to 0.24€/km.


Introduction of the individual right to training via a growth trajectory:

  • As of 2024: 3 days
  • As of 2025: 4 days
  • As of 2027: 5 days

Obligation to send the training plan to Alimento for inspection.

RCC/SWT (system of unemployment with company supplement)

Extension of all schemes of unemployment with company supplement (RCC/SWT) until 30/06/2025.

Time credit

Extension of time credit end-of-career job from the age of 55 if reduction by 1/5th and to a half-time until 30/06/2025.

Increase of the supplementary allowance for end-of-career jobs: indexation of the allowance on 01/01/2024.

Feasible work

  • Reaffirmation of CBAs relating to feasible work.
  • Creation of a working group to examine certain issues.
  • Support for companies undergoing restructuring: outplacement and retention strategy in the sector (in collaboration with Alimento).
  • Family leave: top-up for loss of pay resulting from prophylactic leave Prophylactic leave = temporary ban from work of a pregnant worker by decision of the occupational physician. Entitlement to additional compensation from the Social Fund: elaboration within the social fund.
  • Childcare top-up: increase of the amount and age: 5€ per day, age up to 12 years, 1000€ per year.
  • Alimento training credit during restructuring to receive a training budget of 2,500€ in the event of bankruptcy.


  • Temporary agency work: for employment contracts concluded on or after 01/10/2023, the days of actual employment as a temporary agency worker, which were worked in the same company during the 24 months immediately preceding the conclusion of the employment contract, are taken into account as part of the seniority days.
  • Supplementary pensions: adjustment of the CBAs for payments from the 2nd pillar fund.
  • The sectoral social partners reconfirm their willingness to continue work on job classifications.
  • Diversity and mobility working groups: set dates, minimum 4 x/year.
  • Disconnection for manual workers: a scheme will be drawn up in accordance with the principles set out in the CBA on disconnection within JC 220 for non-manual workers.
  • End-of-career days: entitlement to the full number of days in the year in which the employee reaches the required age as of 01/01/2024.
  • Extension, for the period 2024-2025, of the specific temporary unemployment scheme for the vegetable industry.
  • Commitment by the sectoral social partners to promote social dialogue.

More information

As soon as we have the final agreement, a more detailed analysis will be made available in our sector information.


Source: Draft agreement JC 118 and draft agreement JC 220

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