Annual report of the Internal Service for Prevention and Protection at Work – Forms to be returned before 1 April 2014

Auteur: Catherine Legardien
Temps de lecture: 3min
Date de publication: 13/08/2018 - 13:19
Dernière mise à jour: 17/01/2019 - 17:24

Each year the employer must send a report about the functioning of his Internal Service for Prevention and Protection at Work (ISPPW) to the General Directorate of the Inspectorate of Well-being at Work. 

Every employer is obliged to take measures that are necessary to improve to the employees' well-being at work. To this end the employer must develop and implement a preventative policy in each company. To be able to meet all the objectives of this policy, the employer must appeal to the expertise required within his company (internal service) and, if necessary, to external expertise (external service). 

Every employer must establish an ISPPW, irrespective of the size of his company. This ISPPW must consists of at least one prevention consultant elected among the staff members. In companies employing less than 20 employees, the employer can take up this post himself. He must then imperatively appeal to an accredited External Service for Prevention and Protection at Work (ESPPW). 

Each year every employer must send a report about the functioning of the ISPPW to the Regional Directorate(s) of the General Directorate of the Inspectorate of Well-being at Work that is competent for his place(s) of business (or to the Inspectorate Division of chemical risks if it regards establishments classified Seveso). That annual report, drawn up by the prevention advisor, must be submitted within three months following the calendar year to which it refers. For 2013 this means before 1 April 2014. 

The report must be drawn up by means of the ad hoc form (A, B or C depending on the organisation of the ISPPW) available on the website of the FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue ( or at the Regional Directorates or the General Directorate of the Inspectorate of Well-being at Work (address: rue Ernest Blérot 1 in 1070 Brussels, tel.: 02/233.45.11, e-mail: 

An explanatory note, that is also available on the website, helps you to complete the various sections of the forms. The sections concern more in particular the identification details of the employer, the organisation of the ISPPW and the committee for prevention and protection at work if any, work accidents and accidents on the way to or from work, safety at work, health and hygiene at work, training and information of the staff, as well as the prevention of psychosocial load caused by work. 

Sources: Royal Decree of 27 March 1998 concerning the policy with regard to the well-being of the employees while carrying out their job, M.B. 31 March 1998; Royal Decree of 27 March 1998 concerning the Internal Service for Prevention and Protection at Work, M.B. 11 June 1998;


Auteur : Catherine Legardien


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