• 14 July 2020

    Back to work: Take care of your teams, they will reward you!

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    Your employees experience pressure from different angles (social, professional, family). Some have had a lot of time to think about their work, others are eager to get back to work. Still others have lost their motivation. The multitude and variety of risks promote anxiety. The ever-changing events that your employees must undergo may increase the likelihood of behavioral difficulties.
  • 15 July 2020

    How organising your company if teleworking becomes the norm?

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    Now that we are teleworking en masse, this will continue to be established even after the corona crisis. For example, if employees work from home more, they also expect partial reimbursement of expenses. How can you organize yourself as a company and reduce your HR costs?
  • 15 July 2020

    What if teleworking becomes a driving force for motivation?

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    The coronacrisis has completely changed the way we work, that's a fact. According to a study by Partena Professional, 44% of the employees believe that structural and organized teleworking has a positive effect on their private lives. Autonomy and flexibility have become key words since mid-March. This brings many changes for both HR teams and employees.
  • 05 November 2018

    Quality audit

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    The Central Businesses Databank (KBO-BCE) centralizes the basic identity details of businesses and provides them to the various relevant authorities. The data contained in the databank has to correspond to the reality, of course. 
  • 01 February 2019

    About Partena Professional

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    "Supporting entrepreneurs": that is Partena Professional’s mission. As business entrepreneurs, you take care of the foundations of our economy. Partena Professional will support your passion by being the perfect partner for your plans with the same dedication and ambition.
  • 21 August 2019

    SuccessFactors Plug & Pay: the leading SAP-certified solution in Belgium

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    With a focus on autonomy and flexibility, SAP SuccessFactors Plug & Pay offers true added value for any company that wishes to focus on process optimisation. After developing a business case together, we look at how we can meet your needs with a solution tailored to your strategy. The goal? To finally achieve operational excellence for managing your HR.
  • 06 February 2019

    Your company deserves the best expertise

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    Manage your personnel and their wages, social-legal administration ... You do not always have the resources or internal competence to meet the needs of your company. Partena Professional has the right expertise for all these domains. Rely on our advice just the way that suits you best.
  • 06 November 2018

    Do you want to sell your business? Make sure you don't overlook anything!

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    Want to call it a day? Or to take things a bit easier after an illness or accident? Are you dreaming of taking a new direction and setting up a different business? If you decide to sell your business, it boils down to preparing thoroughly: from the administrative, employment legislation and mental viewpoint.
  • 21 June 2021

    Employee Central Payroll: simplify your HR administration

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    Employee Central Payroll is the payroll processing module and payroll engine of your SAP SuccessFactors, the powerful HR software suite that enables you to manage your entire HR a
  • 21 June 2021

    Employee Central: The Core HR of your SAP SuccessFactors

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    Employee Central is the Core HR of SAP SuccessFactors, the powerful HR software suite