Flash controls in the moving sector in March 2024 - avoid unpleasant surprises!

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Author Annelies Verplancke  (Legal Expert)
Read time 3min
Last updated 20/02/2024 - 12:56

During the month of March 2024, the social inspection services will carry out flash controls in the moving sector (JSC 140.05).

These announced flash controls are mainly informative and preventive in nature. When violations are found, inspection services may first issue a warning. Note that when they find serious and/or repeated violations, they will immediately issue an official report and penalties will be imposed.

Here's how you can best prepare for these announced controls and how you can avoid unpleasant surprises.

How to prepare?

SIRS/SIOD website - checklist - brief overview

On the website of the Belgian Service d'information et de recherche sociale/Sociale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst [Information and Social Research Department], you can find more info on the purpose of these flash controls. You can also find an indicative checklist specific for the moving sector.

Here is a brief (non-exhaustive) overview of the main documents that we recommend you have at hand in the event of a control:

  • the employment regulations (containing all work schedules and proof of registration);
  • data with regard to the time worked and the remunerations of your employees (individual accounts, payslips, lists of work performances, proof of payment, etc.);
  • employment contracts (and, where applicable, annexes);
  • derogation documents or registration system for part-time workers;
  • in case of temporary agency work: the temporary agency work contract between the user and the temporary work agency and the employment contract for temporary agency workers between the temporary work agency and the temporary agency worker;
  • (digital) tachograph data;
  • if you employ foreign workers, , additional documents can be requested (e.g. single permit or work cards and/or work permits, Limosa declaration (L1), A1 form ...):

The social inspector can also directly ask questions or request information from your employees, for instance: :

  • on their social status (salaried employee, flexi jobs, self-employed person, student, temporary agency worker, etc.);
  • their mover's card (P-card or S-card);
  • their driver’s card and tachograph data...

Partena Professional's sector information

Partena Professional's sector information allows you to familiarise yourself with the sector provisions specific to your joint committee.

Legal support

Our Legal Partners are following up on the constantly evolving legislation. In the context of our ‘Legal Privileged Partners (LPP)’ service, our team can examine your social documents and ensure compliance with social legislation.

Do you have questions or need help? Feel free to send an email to legal@partena.be.

As part of the exercise, a report with a risk analysis can be made and we can give you the required recommendations. With this service, you will no longer fear a visit by a social inspector.

Flash control results

On the website of the SIRS/SIOD you can also consult the results of various flash controls. The results of the flash controls in the construction sector during the month of January 2024 are now available there (including number of controls, types of violations detected...).

Other sectors

The following flash controls are planned in 2024:

  • June: Horeca
  • September: Green sectors
  • November: Transportation sector (including bus & truck)


Source: Website SIRS/SIOD.

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