Quality audit

Author: Partena Professional (Legal expertise)
Read time: 4min
Publication date: 05/11/2018 - 21:51
Latest update: 05/02/2020 - 15:59

The Central Businesses Databank (KBO-BCE) centralizes the basic identity details of businesses and provides them to the various relevant authorities.

The data contained in the databank has to correspond to the reality, of course. 

Has your customer developed new activities?

Has it opened new branches?

Has it changed to a different form of legal entity?

Have partners joined or left who have professional skills in the regulated sectors?

The benefits of correct details in the CBD

Better protection against professional liability

Businesses carrying on activities other than those for which they are registered with the CBD are liable to be fined. Furthermore, certain regulated business activities can only be carried out by persons who have access to the profession.

If your customer's data is up-to-date, it is better protected in case of professional liability, and he cannot be fined for having incorrect data.

Improved tax deduction of business expenses

To be sure that business expenses are correctly accounted for, the correct details held by the CBD are vitally important.

Hassle-free renewal of certain approvals

Based on the data in the CBD, certain approvals are renewed. The Approvals Committee checks whether the activities for the category or subcategory requested for the company in question have been declared to the CBD.

Match between the different sites and the location of the company

With the 6th State Reform and the transfer of powers to the regions (e.g. with regard to targeted social insurance reductions or access to the professions), the importance of correct data has become even greater.

The social security administration links each employee to a site of your customer's company. Every site is identified by a specific number allocated by the CBD. It is in your interest to find out whether the data about sites which are recorded in the CBD match the locations where your company runs a site.

How can our audit help improve the quality of your customers' data?

For trading and non-trading companies, we carry out an audit based on the data in the CBD:

  • to determine the business activities;
  • an analysis of the business skills;
  • a search for licences;
  • an analysis of many other data;
  • a report with any recommendations;
  • a summary of the data that you should check with your customer.


Audit per customer = € 49 (excl. VAT).

If we have to make a number of changes as a result of the audit, the amount of €49 will be deducted from the invoice.

A better protected customer, who is not at risk of being fined and is perhaps eligible for reduced social security contributions.

After our audit, based on your comments and those of your customer, we will make the necessary changes:

  • change of the address of a site;
  • change in the trading name;
  • change in the business activity associated with a site;
  • opening or closure of a site;
  • change in bank account number;
  • change in the employee with knowledge of business management and/or professional knowledge in regulated sectors, etc.


Do you want to update your customers' data and make them even more satisfied?

Then complete the form below.

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