Individual customisation for employers

Author: Jonas Verplanken (Legal Expert)
Read time: 3min
Publication date: 02/05/2023 - 10:42
Latest update: 02/05/2023 - 10:43

As announced in a previous infoflash, employers who employ an employee with a recognized work restriction will be able to take advantage of the individual customisation starting 1 July 2023. Individual customisation compensates any additional costs or potentially lower productivity of your employee. Compensation for the employer may consist of a wage premium or a coaching premium.

Conditions for the employer

Individual customisation requests are available to employers:

  • from the private sector: private legal or natural persons.
  • from the public sector: only schools or local boards.

Businesses in difficulties or governments other than schools and local governments are not eligible.


The employee in question must EITHER live in Flanders OR live in a member state of the EEA or EU and work in Flanders.

Conditions for the employee

For the employee, any employment contract of at least 24 hours is eligible. The type of employment contract makes no difference here (student work, flexi-jobs, etc.). The employee employed under individual customisation shall follow the wage and working conditions applicable to other employees in this sector.

VDAB identifies the work restriction and the need for individual customisation through a certificate or examination that demonstrates a major impact on the functioning in the workplace. This identification is valid for a period of up to 5 years, but this period is renewable.

Wage premium and/or coaching premium

Individual customisation for employers consists of a wage premium and/or a coaching premium. The wage premium allows the employer to compensate any additional costs to the organization because of the work restriction. The coaching premium allows the employer to compensate the coaching costs.

The wage premium is between 20% and 75% of the employee's capped reference wage. The coaching premium is a fixed amount.

Both premiums are degressive, decreasing according to the length of employment.

Payment of the premiums

The Department of Work and Social Economy (WSE) calculates the premiums based on the employment data derived from the multifunctional declaration (DmfA) that employers are required to file with the National Social Security Office on a quarterly basis.


VDAB determines what work support measures are needed depending on the employee's needs. Thus, coaching is not required for every employee. If coaching is needed, you must designate a qualified supervisor and coach. The qualified supervisor may also be an external supervisor from outside the company.

On-the-job coaching includes providing hands-on coaching tailored to the employee and employer based on a support plan. This also includes on-the-job coaching.

Abrogation - transitional measures

Individual customisation replaces 4 measures that are abolished:

  • the Flemish Support Premium (VOP)
  • the Social Inclusion Economy (SINE)
  • the Local Services Economy (LDE)
  • the customisation departments (MWA) of collective customisation.

Transitional measures apply to each of those 4. You can find these transitional measures here.


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