Additional night shift allowance: Revaluation on 1 January 2016

Auteur: Catherine Legardien
Temps de lecture: 2min
Date de publication: 13/08/2018 - 13:19
Dernière mise à jour: 13/08/2018 - 13:19

The supplementary allowance on top of the unemployment benefits for night work has been revaluated on 1 January 2016.


Collective bargaining agreement (cba) No. 46 enables some employees who work night shifts to look for work in another employment system. This may particularly refer to:

  • employees who are at least 50 years, who have worked night shifts for at least 20 years and who can invoke serious medical reasons which are recognized by the occupational physician;
  • employees who are at least 55 years and who have worked night shifts for at least 20 years.

If the employer is unable to offer these employees work in another system, they may terminate their employment contract or may be dismissed. In that case they will be entitled to a five year supplementary allowance on top of the unemployment benefits payable by the employer.

Revaluation of the supplementary allowance

Cba No. 46 stipulates that the amount of this supplementary allowance varies according to the fluctuations of the index of consumer prices. The amount of this allowance may be revaluated on 1 January of each year in accordance with the conventional evolution of wages.

On 1 January 2016, the application of the revaluation coefficient amounts to 1.0016. This brings the monthly amount of the supplementary allowance to € 137.92.

Source: collective bargaining agreement No. 46vicies bis of 15 December 2015 implementing the collective bargaining agreement No. 46 of 23 March 1990 on the accompanying measures for shift work with night shifts and for other forms of work with night shifts.


Auteur : Catherine Legardien


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