• 14 July 2020

    Performance Management

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    Employees have been working from home en masse in recent weeks. Now that they have tasted that autonomy, it is difficult to take big steps back. This poses challenges for employers. Such as: how do you measure the performance of home workers without losing their confidence?
  • 30 May 2024

    Social elections 2024: who is protected against dismissal?

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    The staff representatives that are members of the Works Council and/or the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work, as well as the non-elected candidates, shall be protected against dismissal during a specific period.
  • 24 October 2023

    Optimise your HR management with Partena Professional

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    Payroll management and employee administration are essential aspects of your HR department, but they require time and expertise. Are you looking to optimise your HR management without having to find additional human or financial resources? Discover our solutions. 
  • 15 July 2020

    How organising your company if teleworking becomes the norm?

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    Now that we are teleworking en masse, this will continue to be established even after the corona crisis. For example, if employees work from home more, they also expect partial reimbursement of expenses. How can you organize yourself as a company and reduce your HR costs?
  • 15 July 2020

    What if teleworking becomes a driving force for motivation?

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    The coronacrisis has completely changed the way we work, that's a fact. According to a study by Partena Professional, 44% of the employees believe that structural and organized teleworking has a positive effect on their private lives. Autonomy and flexibility have become key words since mid-March. This brings many changes for both HR teams and employees.
  • 06 February 2019

    Your company deserves the best expertise

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    Manage your personnel and their wages, social-legal administration ... You do not always have the resources or internal competence to meet the needs of your company. Partena Professional has the right expertise for all these domains. Rely on our advice just the way that suits you best.
  • 15 July 2020

    Perform a performance audit to determine the action points?

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    The coronavirus crisis has completely changed the way we work, that much is certain. Autonomy and flexibility have become basic concepts since mid-March. This has led to many changes in HR, especially when it comes to measuring employee performance. It is impossible to observe an employee's performance from a distance.
  • 05 November 2018

    Income optimization

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    Have you set up a company? Then your operating profit is liable to corporation tax, and your salary as the person running the business or a manager is liable to income tax. Optimizing your pay means in the first instance that you will pay less in tax and social security contributions - a statutory right but which, nevertheless, is subject to certain restrictions.
  • 21 August 2019

    SuccessFactors Plug & Pay: the leading SAP-certified solution in Belgium

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    With a focus on autonomy and flexibility, SAP SuccessFactors Plug & Pay offers true added value for any company that wishes to focus on process optimisation. After developing a business case together, we look at how we can meet your needs with a solution tailored to your strategy. The goal? To finally achieve operational excellence for managing your HR.
  • 29 May 2024

    Start your business with Partena Professional

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    Welcome to the exciting journey of starting your own business! At Partena Professional, we understand that first steps can be both exciting and challenging. That is why we are ready to support you with everything you need in HR and payroll. Our goal is to ease the administrative burden, so you can focus on what really matters - growing your business.