• 14 July 2020

    Back to work: Take care of your teams, they will reward you!

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    Your employees experience pressure from different angles (social, professional, family). Some have had a lot of time to think about their work, others are eager to get back to work. Still others have lost their motivation. The multitude and variety of risks promote anxiety. The ever-changing events that your employees must undergo may increase the likelihood of behavioral difficulties.
  • 15 July 2020

    How organising your company if teleworking becomes the norm?

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    Now that we are teleworking en masse, this will continue to be established even after the corona crisis. For example, if employees work from home more, they also expect partial reimbursement of expenses. How can you organize yourself as a company and reduce your HR costs?
  • 15 July 2020

    What if teleworking becomes a driving force for motivation?

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    The coronacrisis has completely changed the way we work, that's a fact. According to a study by Partena Professional, 44% of the employees believe that structural and organized teleworking has a positive effect on their private lives. Autonomy and flexibility have become key words since mid-March. This brings many changes for both HR teams and employees.
  • 15 July 2020

    Perform a performance audit to determine the action points?

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    The coronavirus crisis has completely changed the way we work, that much is certain. Autonomy and flexibility have become basic concepts since mid-March. This has led to many changes in HR, especially when it comes to measuring employee performance. It is impossible to observe an employee's performance from a distance.
  • 29 May 2024

    Payroll Office - Switch

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    #responsive-iframe { height: 700px; /* Default height */ } @media (max-width: 976px) { #responsive-iframe { height: 1100px; /* Increased height for smaller screens */ } } As an entrepreneur, it is essential to be able to focus on what you really love doing: growing your business.
  • 26 October 2023

    Get ready for the 2024 social elections!

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    Do you need to organise social elections in May 2024? The procedure involved is strict and complex, but you can rely on Partena Professional's expertise to fully understand what is at stake.