• 15 July 2020

    Perform a performance audit to determine the action points?

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    The coronavirus crisis has completely changed the way we work, that much is certain. Autonomy and flexibility have become basic concepts since mid-March. This has led to many changes in HR, especially when it comes to measuring employee performance. It is impossible to observe an employee's performance from a distance.
  • 15 July 2020

    What if teleworking becomes a driving force for motivation?

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    The coronacrisis has completely changed the way we work, that's a fact. According to a study by Partena Professional, 44% of the employees believe that structural and organized teleworking has a positive effect on their private lives. Autonomy and flexibility have become key words since mid-March. This brings many changes for both HR teams and employees.
  • 29 May 2024

    Start your business with Partena Professional

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    Welcome to the exciting journey of starting your own business! At Partena Professional, we understand that first steps can be both exciting and challenging. That is why we are ready to support you with everything you need in HR and payroll. Our goal is to ease the administrative burden, so you can focus on what really matters - growing your business.
  • 23 March 2022

    War in Ukraine: employment of Ukrainian residents in Belgium

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    Do you want to hire a Ukrainian resident? Then keep in mind the following.
  • 29 May 2024

    Payroll office

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    An HR partner who gives it his all, and has all that it takes to do so. That's Partena Professional. Trust us with your payroll calculation or legal questions. Or count on us for operational HR support or strategic advice. Listening to you is always the first step. Determining together a service tailored to your needs is the next step. 
  • 19 October 2023

    What's a CommV (formerly gcv)?

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    A CommV (formerly gcv) is a limited partnership characterised by the presence of at least one managing partner and one silent or limited partner. The managing partner is actively involved in managing the partnership, whereas the silent partner has a predominantly financial and anonymous role.
  • 19 October 2023

    What is an SA?

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    The SA (Société Anonyme) is a business type, usually reserved for financially powerful companies. It’s a capital-focused partnership that pulls in wealth anonymously. Compared to the SRL, the SA has a more complicated management organisation.
  • 19 October 2023

    What’s a non-profit organisation (NPO)?

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    A non-profit is a group of at least three natural people or legal entities who selflessly pursue a common goal. That means that the members of the non-profit cannot get any material benefits out of the operations. The common project is laid down in the organisation’s founding principles: the so-called statutes. 
  • 19 October 2023

    What’s an SComm?

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    The primary goal of an SComm (Société en commandite) is realising a common, social goal through certain economic and social activities, maximising profit in the process. The difference in this business type now is that the social angle is an absolute requirement. 
  • 19 October 2023

    What is a general partnership?

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    A general partnership is a legal entity. It’s the least regulated and simplest business type. To set up a general partnership, you don’t need to visit a notary or publish a financial statement, nor do you need a financial plan. As a partner, you are unlimitedly liable in case of company debt, though, which means your private assets aren’t protected.