What's a CommV (formerly gcv)?

A CommV (formerly gcv) is a limited partnership characterised by the presence of at least one managing partner and one silent or limited partner. The managing partner is actively involved in managing the partnership, whereas the silent partner has a predominantly financial and anonymous role. The silent partner cannot be involved in managing the company. 

Who should start a CommV? 

An CommV is mostly interesting for those who want to start a business but don’t have enough funds. By combining managing and silent partners, entrepreneurs with limited financial means can still start a business, allowing them to use the financial contributions of silent partners

What are the benefits of a CommV? 

  • No start-up capital required: you don't need a minimum capital to start a CommV. 
  • Flexibility in composition: the presence of both managing and silent partners offers you a flexible structure. 
  • You don’t need a notary deed to start a CommV.

What are the downsides of a CommV? 

  • Joint and several liability: all partners, including the silent ones, are jointly and severally liable. However, the liability of silent partners is limited to their contribution. 
  • Limitations for silent partners: silent partners cannot be involved in the company’s management.  

What are the start-up costs and what about taxes? 

As we mentioned before, you don’t need start-up capital to launch a CommV. Because of that, it’s a cost-effective option for entrepreneurs who are just starting out. A CommV’s profit is taxed according to company tax regulations. We advise you to turn to an accountant or tax advisor to learn more about specific tax implications.

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