• 05 November 2018

    Income optimization

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    Have you set up a company? Then your operating profit is liable to corporation tax, and your salary as the person running the business or a manager is liable to income tax. Optimizing your pay means in the first instance that you will pay less in tax and social security contributions - a statutory right but which, nevertheless, is subject to certain restrictions.
  • 14 November 2018

    Supplementary Pension for the Self-employed (VAPZ)

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    Supplementing your statutory pension Concerned that your statutory pension won't be enough to guarantee a comfortable standard of living after your self-employed career? There's a solution! Accrue a supplementary pension (VAPZ) with contributions to your social security insurance fund.
  • 05 November 2018

    Quality audit

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    The Central Businesses Databank (KBO-BCE) centralizes the basic identity details of businesses and provides them to the various relevant authorities. The data contained in the databank has to correspond to the reality, of course.