• EN-Affiliation to social insurance for the self-employed (PDF)

    social insurance fund (for self-employed) Partena asbl (approved by Ministerial Order of 10.11.1997) Headquarters : Rue des Chartreux 45, 1000 Brussels - Correspondance address : Postal Box 21000, 1000 BXL Tel. : 02/549.73.00 - Fax : 02/223.73.79 -…

  • Memento january (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 1 I JA N UA RY 2 0 19 Partena – Non-profit-making association – …

  • EN-Declaration of the partner (PDF)

    social insurance fund (for self-employed) Partena asbl (approved by Ministerial Order of 10.11.1997) Headquarters : Rue des Chartreux 45, 1000 Brussels - Correspondance address : Postal Box 21000, 1000 BXL Tel. : 02/549.73.00 - Fax : 02/223.73.79 -…

  • 16 November 2018

    Have you decided to expand your business internationally?

    Read more
    All skills assembled to meet the challenges of your internationalisation. More and more companies are turning their attention to international growth.
  • Coronavirus - overzicht van de verschillende systemen van tijdelijke werkloosheid ENG (PDF)

    Coronavirus: overview of the different systems of temporary unemployment For which companies? What type of temporary unemployment? Which formalities must be complied with? Where can you find more information? Companies and sectors…

  • EN-Notice of withdrawal (PDF)

    social insurance fund (for self-employed) Partena asbl (approved by Ministerial Order of 10.11.1997) Headquarters : Rue des Chartreux 45, 1000 Brussels - Correspondance address : Postal Box 21000, 1000 BXL Tel. : 02/549.73.00 - Fax : 02/223.73.79 -…

  • Memento September19 EN v01 (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 8 I S E PT E M B E R 2 0 19 JC 200 - A wage increase for all non-manual…

  • Memento februari EN (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 2 I F E B R UA RY 2 0 19 Partena – Non-profit-making association – …

  • EN-Registration non comm (PDF)

    1 V.2019-1Partena Professional one-stop-shop for business entrepreneurs NPO (accredited by Royal Decree of 2003.06.11) Headquarters : Rue des Chartreux 45, 1000 Brussels - Correspondance address : Postal Box 22000, 1000 BXL Tel. : 02/549.73.00 -…

  • PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

    Let’s chat about Robots Cristelle Adam – Segment Manager TODAY 1. What is AI? 2. What are Chatbots? 3. Some examples 4. Chatbots @ Partena Professional 5. 7 step program 25/09/2020 2 AGENDA 1. What is AI? 25/09/2020 3 What is…
