2024: permitted income for retirees

infoflash.full.warning.old.text.part_1, infoflash.full.warning.old.text.part_2
Author Anne Ghysels  (Legal expert)
Read time 1min
Last updated 22/12/2023 - 12:39

Pensioners may carry on an occupation, but the resulting income may not exceed certain thresholds, otherwise pension benefits will be lost.

The thresholds have now been indexed for 2024.

Source: Ministerial Order of 4 December 2023 amending the annual figures referred to in article 64, §§ 2 and 3 of the Royal Decree of 21 December 1967 introducing general regulations on the retirement and survivor’s pension for employees, Belgian Official Gazette, 15 December 2023.

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