New in the service voucher sector (JSC 322.01): unpaid postnatal leave!

Author: Author: Céline Bockstal
Read time: 3min
Publication date: 21/06/2018 - 14:00
Latest update: 10/05/2019 - 09:22

From 1 June 2018, brand new parents may apply for unpaid postnatal leave once and for a maximum of 1 year. They may apply for this leave up to a maximum of 1 year after the birth of their child(ren). This leave should not be confused with the already existing maternity or paternity leave, time credit with motive for providing care to a young child and prophylactic leave.

For whom?

For all brand new parents.

How does the employee apply for postnatal leave?

At least 1 month before the desired start date of the postnatal leave, the employee must submit a written application to his employer. This written application must state the duration of the postnatal leave. The leave must start at the latest 1 year after the birth.

The employee provides his employer with a certificate of birth at the latest when the postnatal leave commences.

How long can the employee take postnatal leave?

Postnatal leave must be taken for at least 1 month and may last for a maximum of 1 year.

Can the employer postpone taking postnatal leave?

Yes. The employer may postpone entitlement to postnatal leave on account of exceptional circumstances.

Can the employee return earlier?

The employee can return early from postnatal leave with a written request. The employer may postpone the employee's request for resumption of work for a maximum of 1 month. After this period, the employer is obliged to re-employ the employee.

N.B. If the employee returns earlier, the remaining part of the postnatal leave will be lost.

Can a part-time employee also apply for postnatal leave?

Yes, this is possible. If the employee works part-time, he can spread the leave over a maximum of 2 years. The agreements concerning the work schedule shall be set out in an appendix to the employment contract.

What happens after the end of the postnatal leave?

This unpaid postnatal leave shall be considered to be a suspension of the employment contract.

On expiry of the stipulated period of postnatal leave, the employer shall immediately re-employ the employee, retaining the wage scale and working hours as before the postnatal leave.

If the employee spends more than 3 months on unpaid leave, this has an impact on the calculation of his seniority. Periods of suspension of the performance of the employment contract which exceed 3 months do not count for the purposes of calculating seniority.

Author: Céline Bockstal


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