'Speed pedelecs' equated to bikes for tax purposes

Author: Author: Peggy Criel
Read time: 2min
Publication date: 20/11/2017 - 13:00
Latest update: 10/05/2019 - 09:22

The so-called speed pedelecs, i.e. pedal assist bicycles capable of assisting to 45 kilometres per hour, now satisfy the definition of ‘bike’ when it comes to tax purposes. Consequently, the tax advantages connected to the use of the ‘classic’ bike also apply for these speed pedelecs.

Bike under the tax legislation

The definition of ‘bike’ under the tax legislation is replaced by a broader concept. For the application of the tax advantages (see below), bike is understood to mean a bicycle, a motorised bicycle or a speed pedelec, provided these last two transportation means are electrically driven (see also our infoflash of 22 June 2017).

The modification will be effective as from the income year 2017 (tax year 2018).

Tax advantages

The use of a bicycle, an electrically driven motorised bicycle and an electrically driven speed pedelec is beneficial on tax level.

Kilometre allowance

The kilometre allowance granted to an employee or a company manager for actual home-to-work travelling by means of a bicycle or speed pedelec as specified above is exempted from income tax to a maximum amount of €0.23/km (income year 2017).

Provision of a bicycle or speed pedelec and accessories

The benefit resulting from the availability of a bicycle or speed pedelec as specified above and its accessories, including maintenance and storage costs, is exempted from taxes for the employee and the company manager. It is however required that the bicycle or the speed pedelec is actively used for home-to-work travel.

The exemption applies for home-to-work travel as well as for other travelling (purely private travelling).

Source: Act of 22 October 2017 laying down various tax provisions I, Belgian Official Gazette of 10 November 2017.

Author: Peggy Criel


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