• Whitepaper Agility in HR EN (PDF)

    HR-expertise PARTENA PROFESSIONAL WHITEPAPER Agility A new reality for HR PARTENA PROFESSIONAL WHITEPAPER How agile found its way to HR from the IT context The last three industrial revolutions each had their important impact on the labour…

  • OrganisationalRegulations Partena Professional (PDF)

    2018 Partena Organisational Regulations - NPA - accredited Payroll Office for Employers by ministerial decree of 3 March 1949 under no. 300. Registered office: Kartuizersstraat/Rue des Chartreux 45, 1000 Brussels. VAT BE 0409.536.968 …

  • 09 November 2023

    Copyright: the NSSO brings precisions

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    The NSSO has recently published new Instructions for Employers regarding the new social treatment of the allowances for the transfer of copyright and neighbouring rights. It specifies and brings light to 2 specific situations.
  • 04 May 2023

    Social security contributions: changes for copyright

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    From 1 January 2023, the social security treatment of the award of compensation for the assignment or licensing of copyright will undergo significant changes. Under certain conditions, this compensation may be exempt from social security contributions.
  • WhitepaperAgilityInHR (PDF)

    HR-expertise PARTENA PROFESSIONAL WHITEPAPER Agility A new reality for HR PARTENA PROFESSIONAL WHITEPAPER How agile found its way to HR from the IT context The last three industrial revolutions each had their important impact on the labour…

  • 22 December 2023

    Leerjobs in Flanders and Brussels from 2024: something of interest to your company ?

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    The “leerjob” (learning job) is a new and for the time being temporary form of workplace learning in Flanders and Brussels that will take effect from 1 January 2024.
  • Memento Augustus19 EN v02 (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 7 I AU G U ST 2 0 19 JC 200 - A wage increase for all non-manual workers?…

  • 15 June 2023

    A student job during the vacations? What must employers do?

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    Every year, when summer vacations are approaching, employers ask us about the conditions that must be met to employ students.
  • 20210211 CHECK LIST AIDE COVID 19 (PDF)

    Check-List des aides proposées dans le cadre de la crise Covid 19 C L C o v id - 1 9 U p d a t e 1 1 / 0 2 / 2 0 2 1 P a g e | 1 F é d é ra l A id e s P rê t Description & Info Introduction de la demande ✓ Chômage…


    Check-List des aides proposées dans le cadre de la crise Covid 19 C L C o v id - 1 9 U p d a t e 2 2 / 1 2 / 2 0 2 0 P a g e | 1 F é d é ra l A id e s P rê t Description & Info Introduction de la demande ✓ Chômage…
