• Memento September19 EN v01 (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 8 I S E PT E M B E R 2 0 19 JC 200 - A wage increase for all non-manual…

  • Memento january (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 1 I JA N UA RY 2 0 19 Partena – Non-profit-making association – …

  • Memento februari EN (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 2 I F E B R UA RY 2 0 19 Partena – Non-profit-making association – …

  • EN-Declaration of the partner (PDF)

    social insurance fund (for self-employed) Partena asbl (approved by Ministerial Order of 10.11.1997) Headquarters : Rue des Chartreux 45, 1000 Brussels - Correspondance address : Postal Box 21000, 1000 BXL Tel. : 02/549.73.00 - Fax : 02/223.73.79 -…

  • Microsoft Word - Infoflash Fiscale bedragen 2021 - 29 12 2020 ENG (PDF)

    A few new fiscal amounts effective 01.01.2021 On 01.01.2021, a number of fiscal amounts will be adjusted in line with indexation mechanisms (subject to confirmation by the Tax administration). Assessment year 2021 2022 Income year 2020 2021 …

  • WhitepaperEmployeeExperience (PDF)

    Basic recipe for an optimum Employee Experience Why it’s better to not simply give a bonus? 2 1. The Employee Experience: the icing in the cake An extra shot of expresso in your latte. Recommendations for Scandi crime series after…

  • Partena Professional Employee Experience whitepaper EN (PDF)

    Basic recipe for an optimum Employee Experience Why it’s better to not simply give a bonus? 2 1. The Employee Experience: the icing in the cake An extra shot of expresso in your latte. Recommendations for Scandi crime series after…

  • Memento Augustus19 EN v02 (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 7 I AU G U ST 2 0 19 JC 200 - A wage increase for all non-manual workers?…

  • Partena Data Protection Agreement EN.PDF (PDF)

    1 PROCESSING AGREEMENT FOR PERSONAL DATA This data processing agreement (hereinafter “DPA”) forms an integral part of the Contractual Relationship between the parties. BETWEEN: PARTENA SECRETARIAT SOCIAL D’EMPLOYEURS ASBL having…

  • PartenaProfessional Memento April19 ENG (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 4 I A P R I L 2 0 19 Topics Starter salaries: hiring young people…
