• 14 July 2020

    Performance Management

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    Employees have been working from home en masse in recent weeks. Now that they have tasted that autonomy, it is difficult to take big steps back. This poses challenges for employers. Such as: how do you measure the performance of home workers without losing their confidence?
  • 05 November 2018

    Income optimization

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    Have you set up a company? Then your operating profit is liable to corporation tax, and your salary as the person running the business or a manager is liable to income tax. Optimizing your pay means in the first instance that you will pay less in tax and social security contributions - a statutory right but which, nevertheless, is subject to certain restrictions.
  • 05 November 2018

    Employee travel expenses

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    Compensating for your employees' travel expenses Do your employees make use of public transport to get to and from work? Then you are legally obligated to compensate them for their travel expenses.  
  • 14 July 2020

    Cost Optimisation

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    The coronavirus crisis has forced companies to put their finances in order. But that doesn't mean that employees should feel neglected. So how can you link cost efficiency to a smart human resources policy?