Application work card for young employees who will turn 19 this year

Auteur: Anne Ghysels
Leestijd: 2min
Publicatiedatum: 19/01/2016 - 13:00
Laatste update: 10/05/2019 - 09:22

If you employ a young employee who has not yet reached the age of 19 years before the end of the calendar year in which he entered into service, you must not be in the possession of a work card to be entitled to a reduction in the employer social security contributions for his employment (target group reduction for young employees).
On the other hand, if the same young employee turns 19 in 2016 and remains employed by you, you must obtain a work card before 31 January 2016 if you want to continue to benefit from social security reductions for young employees.

This card can be applied for:

  • If the young employee is registered as a resident in another region than the Walloon Region: through the form C63-WORK CARD available on the website of the RVA ( It can also be applied for electronically on the website of the social security, www.Social under the heading 'Citizen'.
  • If the young employee is registered as a resident in the Walloon Region: via the Forem (

The application for the work card must be submitted to the competent RVA/Forem-office no later than on 31 January of the calendar year concerned. In the event of a late application, the reduction will not be lost, but it can only be granted as from the first day of the quarter following the application date. For example, if the application is submitted on 15 March 2016, the reduction can only be granted as from 1 April 2016. Hence, you will lose the reduction for the 1st quarter 2016 .


Auteur: Anne Ghysels


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