Outplacement within JC 218 - what do the changes mean for you?

Auteur: Leen Lafourt
Temps de lecture: 2min
Date de publication: 13/08/2018 - 13:19
Dernière mise à jour: 07/02/2019 - 11:50

The Single Status Act has made far-reaching changes to the rules on outplacement. On 1 January 2014, a general outplacement scheme was introduced for all private sector employees laid off on a notice period of 30 weeks or more or paid compensation in lieu of an equivalent period.

The changes meant that the sector rules on outplacement applicable within JC 218 needed amendment, which has been done under the aegis of the CBA of 10 July 2014, which distinguishes three different situations:

  • special rules for the outplacement of white-collar workers aged 45 and over;
  • rules for outplacement for white-collar workers whose employment contracts are terminated by the employer on a notice period of 30 weeks or more;
  • rules for outplacement for white-collar workers whose employment contracts are terminated by the employer with severance being paid equivalent to 30 weeks or more, whether covering all or a remaining portion of the notice period.

Note: most of the new provisions are introduced in this part.

In addition, Cevora/Cefora also provides for a special outplacement programme for employees whose notice period/severance covers less than 30 weeks and who are aged 35 or over. These employees can register voluntarily for a shortened outplacement programme.

The above provisions have been in effect since 1 January 2014 until further notice.

Note: The provisions on outplacement for white-collar workers whose employment contracts are terminated by the employer with severance being paid equivalent to 30 weeks or more, whether covering all or a remaining portion of the notice period, only came into force on 10 July 2014.

If you would like further information on these rules, please check out our sector information for further detailed discussion of the new provisions.

You will find a handy diagram guiding you step by step through the issues referred to here.

Source: Collective Bargaining Agreement of 10 July 2014 on the right to outplacement of certain white-collar workers.

Auteur : Leen Lafourt


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