• Memento September19 EN v01 (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 8 I S E PT E M B E R 2 0 19 JC 200 - A wage increase for all non-manual…

  • 20 July 2023

    Sick during the holidays? From 2024, employees can carry over their leave days

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    A draft law adopted by the House on 13 July aims to allow employees who fall ill during their holidays to benefit from guaranteed pay and to carry over their days of leave to the end of their incapacity or at a later date.
  • Memento februari EN (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 2 I F E B R UA RY 2 0 19 Partena – Non-profit-making association – …

  • 20 July 2023

    The recovery hours are back

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    Following the 2023-2024 interprofessional agreement, recovery hours were reintroduced. From July 2023 to June 2025, it will again be possible to work 120 additional voluntary overtime hours, also known as ‘recovery hours’. In principle, these hours are exempt from a social and tax point of view.
  • Memento Oktober19 EN v01 (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 9 I O CTO B E R 2 0 19 Reimbursement of employee expenses What is…

  • EN-Power of attorney (PDF)

    1 V.2019-1Partena Professional one-stop-shop for business entrepreneurs NPO (accredited by Royal Decree of 2003.06.11) Headquarters : Rue des Chartreux 45, 1000 Brussels - Correspondance address : Postal Box 22000, 1000 BXL Tel. : 02/549.73.00 -…

  • EN-SEPA Mandate for European Direct Debit (PDF)

    social insurance fund (for self-employed) Partena asbl (approved by Ministerial Order of 10.11.1997) Headquarters : Rue des Chartreux 45, 1000 Brussels - Correspondance address : Postal Box 21000, 1000 BXL Tel. : 02/549.73.00 - Fax : 02/223.73.79 -…

  • 28 April 2023

    International NSSO: new European framework agreement from 1 July 2023

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    A European framework agreement has been concluded to facilitate telework from 1 July 2023. Indeed, on 30 June 2023, the exception to the principle of being subject to international social security introduced in the Covid-19 period will expire.
  • Memento Mei19 EN v01 (PDF)

    MEMENTO OF THE EMPLOYER M O N T H LY R E V I E W O F PA RT E N A P RO F ESS I O N A L O N S O C I A L A N D TAX R EG U L AT I O N I N R 0 5 I M AY 2 0 19 From part-time to full-time. An opportunity for…

  • WhitepaperEmployeeExperience (PDF)

    Basic recipe for an optimum Employee Experience Why it’s better to not simply give a bonus? 2 1. The Employee Experience: the icing in the cake An extra shot of expresso in your latte. Recommendations for Scandi crime series after…
