• 30 May 2023

    Annual leave: temporary unemployment due to collective closing of the company

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    In our previous infoflash on annual leave we said that the dates of leave in a company can be determined individually between the employer and every worker, or collectively (for all personnel members) in case of closing of the company.
  • 09 November 2023

    2024 Social elections: what formalities need to be accomplished between day X - 60 and day X - 35?

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    Certain formalities need to be accomplished during the (pre-)electoral process.
  • FR-Emploi independant principal devient complementaire (PDF)

    1 Caisse d’assurances sociales (pour les indépendants) - Partena asbl (agréée par A.R. du 10 novembre 1997) Siège social : Rue des Chartreux 45, 1000 Bruxelles - Adresse de correspondance : boîte postale 21000, 1000 BXL Tél. : 02/549.73.00 - Fax :…

  • 24 October 2023

    Optimise your payroll management with our payroll and compensation services

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    In a world in constant motion, an effective payroll and compensation strategy is crucial. At Partena Professional, we understand that and offer solutions tailored to your unique needs. 
  • Schrapping van een onderneming (PDF)

    1 Ondernemingsloket Partena vzw (erkend bij KB van 11/06/2003) Hoofdzetel: Kartuizersstraat 45, 1000 Brussel – Postadres: postbus 22000, 1000 Brussel Tel. : 02/549.73.00 - Fax : 02/223.73.79 - www.partena-professional.be BTW: 408.661.790 -…

  • Note CAS (PDF)

    SPF Sécurité Sociale – DG Expertise Juridique – Soutien politique Indépendants – INASTI – P720bis/23/10 – (Beto 72628) 1 ANNEXE 7 Schémas des procédures pour la Commission administrative de règlement de la relation de travail Schéma 1 :…

  • Etudiant-independant - Declaration de suivi (à compléter par l'étudiant en début d'année) (PDF)

    1 Caisse d'assurances sociales (pour indépendants) - Partena Professional asbl (agréée par A.R. du 10 novembre 1997) Siège social : Rue Ravenstein 36, 1000 Bruxelles - Adresse de correspondance : boîte postale 21000, 1000 BXL www.partena…

  • 24 November 2023

    Economic unemployment for non-manual workers: relaxation for companies not subject to VAT

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    A company that is not subject to VAT and that wants to make use of the system of economic unemployment for its non-manual workers can now rely on any accounting document or justification to prove that it is in difficulty.
  • etudiant-independant-declaration-de-suivi-a-completer-par-l-etudiant-en-debut-d-annee (PDF)

    1 Caisse d'assurances sociales (pour indépendants) - Partena Professional asbl (agréée par A.R. du 10 novembre 1997) Siège social : Rue Ravenstein 36, 1000 Bruxelles - Adresse de correspondance : boîte postale 21000, 1000 BXL www.partena…

  • 02 October 2023

    Brussels Capital Region: affected by Brexit? Apply for your bonus now!

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    The Brussels Capital Region provides 10 temporary bonuses for Brussels companies affected by Brexit. One concerns personnel costs.