Infoflashes: Socio-legal updates and HR news for business leaders and entrepreneurs

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Employment contract

New tax support measure for occasional work in the fruit and vegetable growing sector

06 December 2023
Employers active in the fruit or vegetable growing sector can benefit from a new tax support measure.
Salary Optimization
Social dialogue

A draft sector agreement for JC 302 (Hospitality sector)

06 December 2023
The sectoral partners of JC 302 have concluded a draft protocol agreement for the period 2023-2024.
Employment contract

Paid educational leave: wage cap 2023-2024

06 December 2023
For absences in the context of educational leave, the employee is entitled to the payment of his normal wage on the usual dates. However, this wage is limited to a certain amount.
Social dialogue

NSSO: Structural reduction from 1 Januari 2024

04 December 2023
The employers of the public and private sectors are entitled to a structural reduction of their employer contributions to the social security for their workers subject to all social security sectors, as far as they satisfy some specific conditions.
Social dialogue

2024 social elections: the start of the period of hidden protection is approaching

01 December 2023
Staff representatives (both full and alternate) to the works council and/or the committee for prevention and protection at work are protected against dismissal.
Employment contract

NSSO: Casual workers in horticultural and agricultural sectors: what’s new

30 November 2023
Casual workers in horticultural and agricultural sectors are submitted to specific rules regarding their liability to the NSSO. Some of those rules have been modified for the period from 1st July 2023 to 31 December 2023.

Obligations of sick workers during their holidays: include them in your employment regulations

30 November 2023
As from 1 January 2024, new obligations will apply to workers whose incapacity for work occurs during a holiday period in order to be able to benefit from guaranteed pay and the option of carrying over their holidays.

Possibility of carrying over leave days - Now it is official!

30 November 2023
From 1 January 2024, employees who become ill during their leave or who are unable to take their leave for a specific reason will be able to carry over their leave to a later date.

Economic unemployment for non-manual workers: relaxation for companies not subject to VAT

24 November 2023
A company that is not subject to VAT and that wants to make use of the system of economic unemployment for its non-manual workers can now rely on any accounting document or justification to prove that it is in difficulty.
Employment contract

Temporary unemployment: additional supplement at the employer’s expense from 1 January 2024

24 November 2023
If you make an employee temporarily unemployed, you will have to pay him/her, from 1 January 2024, in addition to the existing supplement(s), an amount of EUR 5 per day of unemployment, unless a subsistence security fund takes care of that payment.
Salary Optimization
Employment contract

Wage thresholds with regard to employment contracts for 2024

24 November 2023
On 1 January 2024, the annual wage thresholds for the application of certain provisions of the Employment Contract Act of 3.7.1978 will be subject to adaptation following the annual indexation.
Employment contract

Extension of the aid areas in the Flemish Region

24 November 2023
The application period for the Flemish aid areas is extended by 2 years. Companies in aid areas around Genk and Turnhout can apply for tax aid until 31 October 2024, while companies in the aid area around Zaventem-Vilvoorde have this option until 31 May 2028.

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