Walloon regional policy statement: what does it say?

Author Anne Ghysels  (Legal expert)
Read time 3min
Last updated 18/07/2024 - 17:13

On 11 July 2024, the new Walloon government announced the guidelines for its future regional policy.

The measures announced include:

"Restored confidence through administrative simplification: companies must be able to have a point of contact within a public service. One of the aims is to simplify administrative procedures. "

"Digitisation of the Administration: the Walloon Government intends to accelerate the digital transformation by adopting appropriate technologies that will make it possible to strengthen a simplified, solution-oriented administration for the user (company or citizen) by optimising processes, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency. "

"Employment and training: jobseekers, apprentices, employers and citizens will all have a single entry point, again with the aim of simplifying administrative procedures. "

"Simplified and optimised employment aid to boost the employment rate

  • The Walloon Government wants to reduce or abolish ineffective mechanisms presenting windfall effects. The amounts, beneficiaries and procedures for obtaining them will be reviewed. Simplifying the conditions for allocating this aid by digitising and automating the procedures for accessing it will reduce processing times. To this end, the Government will also favour a reduction in social security contributions or direct payment to employers. This will make employment aid more accessible and effective.
  • The ‘APE’ reform announced several years ago is put back on the agenda. "

"Specific responses to changes in the labour market:

  • The training aid system will be reformed to ensure that it is effective and in line with priority skills needs. The allocation of this aid will be simplified.
  • The current restructuring system will be evaluated.
  • Activation of the long-term sick will be a priority.
  • The service voucher system will be reformed to ensure that workers' social rights are protected and that the budget is kept under control.
  • The system of flexi-jobs will be extended to the tourism sector. "

"Optimisation of the vocational training landscape: priority will be given to developing qualifying education, alternate learning and vocational training to better meet the expectations of companies."

Important! These measures have yet to be legislated or regulated.

We will be sure to get back to you as soon as we have more details.

Source: press.

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