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From 1st January 2025, workers made temporarily unemployed will have to use the electronic version of the C3.2A control form, also known as “eC3.2”.
However, a transitional period is planned until 30 June 2025.
Specific provisions are also provided for the construction sector and for cross-border workers.
ONEM's instructions are available on its website; here is a brief overview.
The C3.2A control form is issued by the employer:
The employee must then send this form:
Since 1st September 2023, the paper version of the C3.2A form may be replaced by an electronic version: the electronic C3.2, or eC3.2.
Certain conditions and formalities must be complied with in this framework.
From 1st January 2025, the electronic C3.2, or eC3.2, will become compulsory.
Temporarily unemployed workers who wish to obtain temporary unemployment benefits will have to use the electronic C3.2 or eC3.2.
In adapted work companies, social workshops and "maatwerkbedrijven", it will still be possible to choose between the paper version of the C3.2A form and the electronic C3.2.
Insofar as the use of the electronic C3.2 (or eC3.2) becomes compulsory (except in the companies mentioned above), it will no longer be necessary to:
Temporarily unemployed workers will have access to the electronic C3.2 or eC3.2:
By following the instructions displayed on the screen of their smartphone/mobile phone or computer, workers must:
A transitional period is provided for from 1st January 2025 to 30 June 2025.
During this period, it will still be possible to use the paper version of the C3.2A form:
The conditions and formalities to be complied with are described on the ONEM's website; here is a summary.
The employer must submit a reasoned request:
The employer must also inform the employees of this fact.
As the case may be, the request may be accepted by the unemployment office for a limited period.
If the request is accepted, the employer provides a paper version of the C3.2A form to the workers and (where applicable) completes the validation book.
If the request is denied, workers must use the eC3.2.
Attention! The employer may not submit a request for derogation if the use of the eC3.2 is already generally provided for in the company (via a collective bargaining agreement or the company's work rules).
The employee must indicate that he wishes to use the paper version of the C3.2A form:
Attention! Once the employer has been notified, he must provide a paper version of the C3.2A form to the employee and (where applicable) complete the validation book.
The employee must also inform:
If the request is accepted, the employer provides a paper version of the C3.2A form to the employee and (where applicable) completes the validation book.
If the request is denied, the employer will be informed (by letter) that he may no longer issue a paper version of the C3.2A form to the employee as from the month following notification of the refusal to the employer.
Sources: Royal Decree of 9 July 2024 amending Articles 71, 71ter, 137, 138bis and 154 of the Royal Decree of 25 November 1991 regulating unemployment regarding the compulsory use of an electronic control card by temporary unemployed workers, Belgian Official Gazette of 16 July 2024; Ministerial Decree repealing Articles 83 to 86bis of the Ministerial Decree of 26 November 1991 laying down the detailed rules for the application of the unemployment regulations in the framework of the compulsory use of an electronic control card by temporary unemployed workers, Belgian Official Gazette of 16 July 2024.
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