Postal parcel delivery drivers: delivery time registration obligation

Author Alexia Buyl  (Legal Expert)
Read time 2min
Last updated 31/07/2024 - 07:57

A new obligation to register parcel delivery time has been imposed on companies subject to the Parcels Law. This time registration can take place on the website The obligation will apply from 1st August 2024.

Who is required to register?

This obligation to register parcel delivery time applies to every principal and subcontractor providing parcel delivery services in Belgium. If you only deliver your own parcels, you are not subject to this new obligation.

It only applies to the delivery of postal parcels weighing up to 31.5 kg.[CD1]

Your joint committee has no impact on whether you are subject to this obligation or not. Although Joint Committee 140.03 for logistics will be the most affected, the application of this obligation is not limited to that particular Joint Committee.

Who is responsible for the registration?

This obligation to register parcel delivery time falls to the principal and subcontractor providing parcel delivery services in Belgium.

They must register the daily parcel delivery time of parcel delivery drivers who perform parcel deliveries in Belgium.

For further details regarding this obligation, and to inform those concerned by it, please consult the Belparcel website.

Registration of parcel delivery time will be mandatory from 1st August 2024 and will be possible via the website until April 2025.

You can also choose to use your own electronic registration system.


Source: Law of 17 December 2023 containing various provisions to improve the working conditions of postal parcel delivery drivers, Belgian Official Gazette of 28/12/2023.

Royal Decree of 7 May 2024 determining the practical terms of the definitive system for the registration of parcel delivery time of postal parcel delivery drivers referred to in Article 5/4 of the Law of 26 January 2018 regarding postal services, Belgian Official Gazette of 20/06/2024.

 [CD1]interprétation à vérifier, il manque un "ne s'applique [pas/que]" en français (ou le "ne" doit être supprimé), il me semble que l'obligation s'applique aux colis "jusqu'à 31,5kg", à vérifier

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