Permitted income for retirees: amounts in 2025

Author Anne Ghysels  (Legal Expert)
Read time 2min
Last updated 24/12/2024 - 10:45

Pensioners may carry on an occupation, but the resulting income may not exceed certain thresholds, otherwise pension benefits will be lost. 

The thresholds have now been indexed for 2025.

Maximum permitted income for work as

Before statutory pension age (< 66 years)

A pensioner who has reached the statutory retirement age (66 years and over)

A pensioner on a retirement and/or survivor’s pension A pensioner who is only entitled to a survivor's pension A pensioner on a retirement and/or survivor’s pension A pensioner who is only entitled to a survivor's pension(*)
Career < 45 years Career ≥ 45 years
Employee, other activity, position, post, or office With no dependent children € 10,117.00 No limit € 23,555.00 No limit € 29,221.00
With a dependent child € 15,175.00   No limit € 35,333.00 + € 5,889.00 per child from the 2nd child No limit € 35,544.00
Self-employed (or working simultaneously as an employee and a self-employed person) With no dependent children € 8,093.00 No limit € 18,844.00 No limit € 23,377.00
With a dependent child € 12,140.00  No limit € 28,266.00 + € 4,711.00 € per child from the 2nd child No limit € 28,435.00
Flexi-job (**) € 7,876.00

(*) The amounts also apply to pensioners of whom the spouse benefits from a household rate pension.

(**) There are special features to flexi-jobs. See future infoflash on our website.

Source: Notice of 17 December 2024 regarding the indexation, as from 1st January 2025, of the annual amounts referred to in article 64, §§ 2 and 3, of the Royal Decree of 21st December 1967 on the general regulation of the retirement and survivors' pension scheme for employed workers, Belgian Official Gazette of 02/12/2024 

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