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The National Employment Office (ONEm/RVA) will conduct a national flash control in the hairdressing sector during the week of 14 to 20 October 2024. These controls are part of the action plan against social fraud, drawn up by the Belgian Service d'information et de recherche sociale/Sociale Inlichtingen- en Opsporingsdienst [Information and Social Research Department].
Flash controls aim to deter offenders by making it clear that the risk of being caught is real.
However, while the focus is on providing information and prevention, this does not refrain the inspection services from imposing sanctions when serious breaches of social legislation are found. This large-scale action is done on top of the usual random controls.
Here's how you can best prepare for these announced controls and how you can avoid unpleasant surprises.
The ONEm/RVA compiled a specific checklist for the hairdressing sector.
To help employers and employees prepare as thoroughly as possible for these flash controls, the checklist provides an overview of actions a social inspector can take and the documents he may request (part-time contracts and work schedules, working time register, ...).
This list is not exhaustive.
The social inspector reserves the right to request any documents he deems relevant to his investigation.
Partena Professional's sector information allows you to familiarise yourself with the sector provisions specific to your joint committee.
Our Legal Partners are following up on the constantly evolving legislation. In the context of our ‘Legal Privileged Partners(LPP)’ service, our team can examine your social documents and ensure compliance with social legislation.
Do you have questions or need help? Feel free to send an email to legal@partena.be.
As part of the exercise, a report with a risk analysis can be made and we can give you the required recommendations.
The Partena Professional website is a channel for making information available in an understandable form to affiliated members and non-members. Partena Professional strives to provide up-to-date information and this information is compiled with the greatest care (including in the form of Infoflashes). However, as social and fiscal legislation is constantly changing, Partena Professional cannot accept any liability for the correctness, the up-to-date or the completeness of the information consulted or exchanged via this website. Further provisions can be read in our general disclaimer that applies to every consultation of this website. By consulting this website, you expressly accept the provisions of this disclaimer. Partena Professional can unilaterally change the content of this disclaimer.