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Why VIP legal support?

It is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to navigate complex HR legislation.  


For example:  

  • 2,000 HR law changes per year; 
  • A rise in the number of lawsuits suing companies for wrongful dismissal; 
  • Numerous opportunities to optimise payroll costs.


This is why Partena Professional has developed the Legal Privileged Partner formula, a unique offering in the market. 

What is the Legal Privileged Partner formula?

With the Legal Privileged Partner, you have a permanent in-house legal consultant who

  • Is available on his/her mobile phone, also after office hours if agreed between the two of you
  • Calls you proactively in the event of important legal changes with an impact or optimisation possibilities
  • Provides support tailored to your needs and working methods
  • Gives you legal advice in a pragmatic manner, allowing you to proceed immediately

For whom is this service suitable?

For companies that 
  • Want fast, reliable and personal advice from a fixed point of contact
  • Want certainty in answering complex employee questions
  • Have HR projects that linger due to lack of time or in-house knowledge such as preparing a social inspection or updating the employment regulations
  • Have no time to follow the changes and still want to benefit from all possibilities in terms of wage cost optimisation or new HR legislation

Who is your legal consultant?

  • An experienced legal expert who is always up to date with the latest legislative changes in your sector
  • A top expert in socio-legal themes
  • Someone who understands your business challenges and on whom you can rely for correct advice

How does it work?

  • You choose in advance the number of hours of legal support you want to purchase per year from your regular in-house legal consultant. Have you run out of hours? Then you buy a new package.
  • You decide for what and when you want to use these hours
  • The more hours you purchase, the cheaper the hourly rate
  • Transparent monthly reporting

What are your benefits?

  • Accessibility: fast, tailor-made legal advice 
  • Compliancy: We screen all legal changes and your legal consultant informs you proactively 
  • Budget: Your in-house legal consultant looks for opportunities to save costs. In 80% of cases, we find savings that exceed the cost of the Legal Privileged Partner formula