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One-stop shop for entrepreneurs

Social Insurance Fund

Social secretariat

One-stop shop for entrepreneurs

  • Our one-stop shop for entrepreneurs takes care of all the administrative hassle you face when you launch a business.

Social Insurance Fund

  • Our Social Insurance Fund will guide you through your business project and support you in terms of social insurance.

Social secretariat

  • Our accredited social secretariat offers you social-legal and fiscal expertise. And it has a user-friendly payroll tool to boot.

Are you an existing client of Partena Professional?

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Entrepreneur office


accredited by AR as of 11/06/2003 

Headquarters: Rue Ravenstein 36, 1000 Brussels 

Postal address: P.O. Box 22000, 1000 Brussels 

Company registration number: 0408.661.790 

VAT number: BE 0408.661.790 

Social insurance fund (for entrepreneurs) 


Headquarters: Rue Ravenstein 36, 1000 Brussels 

Postal adress: P.O. Box 21000, 1000 Brussels 

Company registration number: 0409.079.088 

VAT number: BE 0409.079.088 

Approved social secretariat 


Headquarters: Rue Ravenstein 36, 1000 Brussels 

Company registration number: 0409.536.968 

VAT number: BE 0409.536.968 

RPR Brussels 

FSMA: 033985 A 

FSMA: 033985 A